"Les photographes s'occupent de choses qui disparaissent continuellement et quand elles ont disparu, rien sur terre ne peut les faire revenir."
"Les photographes s'occupent de choses qui disparaissent continuellement et quand elles ont disparu, rien sur terre ne peut les faire revenir."
Motherhood seems to be a no-win battle: however you decide to do (or not do) it, someone’s going to be criticizing you. You went to too great lengths trying to conceive. You didn’t go to great enough lengths. You had the baby too young. You should have kept the baby even though you were young. […]
Motherhood seems to be a no-win battle: however you decide to do (or not do) it, someone’s going to be criticizing you. You went to too great lengths trying to conceive. You didn’t go to great enough lengths. You had the baby too young. You should have kept the baby even though you were young. […]
The other day, Aimee choked back tears as she confessed to me, “Maman, you and papa spend so much time taking care of Ellias. You don’t take care of me anymore.” My heart split in two to see her in pain: to hear her doubt my love, but I knew that she needed my reassurance […]
The other day, Aimee choked back tears as she confessed to me, “Maman, you and papa spend so much time taking care of Ellias. You don’t take care of me anymore.” My heart split in two to see her in pain: to hear her doubt my love, but I knew that she needed my reassurance […]
Lifestyle Baby & Family Session Los Angeles, california Intimate Lifestyle Baby Family Photoshoot | Tiffany Chi PhotographyLos Angeles, California “Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds, and the fiercest winds, there is still beauty.” Katrina Mayer Mother Baby Photography Session | Tiffany Chi PhotographyLos Angeles, California I’m sharing today some Gallery images from an intimate In […]
Lifestyle Baby & Family Session Los Angeles, california Intimate Lifestyle Baby Family Photoshoot | Tiffany Chi PhotographyLos Angeles, California “Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds, and the fiercest winds, there is still beauty.” Katrina Mayer Mother Baby Photography Session | Tiffany Chi PhotographyLos Angeles, California I’m sharing today some Gallery images from an intimate In […]
Oh friends… Today was a hard one. I try to keep my head above water but some days, like today, I just feel like I never breach the surface. Today, I am a stone sinking in an endless pool of leaky sippy cups and tears. We are on day one million (not an exaggeration) of […]
Oh friends… Today was a hard one. I try to keep my head above water but some days, like today, I just feel like I never breach the surface. Today, I am a stone sinking in an endless pool of leaky sippy cups and tears. We are on day one million (not an exaggeration) of […]
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. One in 4 Women will lose a baby during pregnancy, delivery, or infancy. One in 160 pregnancies will end in stillbirth. Pregnancy and infant loss has long been stigmatized and shrouded in shame. Yet, thousands of mothers and parents suffer silently, feeling forsaken and alone in their […]
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. One in 4 Women will lose a baby during pregnancy, delivery, or infancy. One in 160 pregnancies will end in stillbirth. Pregnancy and infant loss has long been stigmatized and shrouded in shame. Yet, thousands of mothers and parents suffer silently, feeling forsaken and alone in their […]
So much of motherhood in daily life is made up of so many small, imperceptible nothings. The tears that are wiped away from an exhausted meltdown, the bruises that appear and disappear as our children explore their world, the time spent shushing the baby to sleep, the cleaning and re-cleaning of toys and books and […]
So much of motherhood in daily life is made up of so many small, imperceptible nothings. The tears that are wiped away from an exhausted meltdown, the bruises that appear and disappear as our children explore their world, the time spent shushing the baby to sleep, the cleaning and re-cleaning of toys and books and […]
Dear Aimee, Five. When did you grow up? I’ll look through photographs of when you fit in my arms and wonder where all the time went. I remember when you struggled to communicate your needs, and now you regale me of tales that you invented in your dreams. My sweet daughter . . . in […]
Dear Aimee, Five. When did you grow up? I’ll look through photographs of when you fit in my arms and wonder where all the time went. I remember when you struggled to communicate your needs, and now you regale me of tales that you invented in your dreams. My sweet daughter . . . in […]
When I first realized that I wanted to specialize in capturing motherhood, it came as a surprise, even to myself. You can argue that most of what we create and put out into the world is a form of self portraiture. In every portrait of a mother I capture, there is also a little bit […]
When I first realized that I wanted to specialize in capturing motherhood, it came as a surprise, even to myself. You can argue that most of what we create and put out into the world is a form of self portraiture. In every portrait of a mother I capture, there is also a little bit […]
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Melody Beattie Some days it’s easy to fixate on the things that we may lack: disappointments mount, frustration builds, expectations go unmet, and our hearts are restless for reassurance that never seems to come. Comparison is a thief that robs us of the joy of our present, […]
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Melody Beattie Some days it’s easy to fixate on the things that we may lack: disappointments mount, frustration builds, expectations go unmet, and our hearts are restless for reassurance that never seems to come. Comparison is a thief that robs us of the joy of our present, […]
Does cleaning out your phone’s photo storage give you anxiety or is it just me? Ugh. I’ve been an image hoarder since before I can remember. Always the first one taking out her camera. Do I need this photo of my child destroying a random plate of pasta from the Cheesecake Factory from 5 years […]
Does cleaning out your phone’s photo storage give you anxiety or is it just me? Ugh. I’ve been an image hoarder since before I can remember. Always the first one taking out her camera. Do I need this photo of my child destroying a random plate of pasta from the Cheesecake Factory from 5 years […]
about tiffany chi photography
An introductory video
published work
My work has been featured in prominent publications such as La Peche Journal, The Fount Collective, Shoutout Los Angeles, Voyage Los Angeles, and The Motherhood Anthology
Our story
From California, to Paris, to Motherhood.
This is my story.
Investments for your custom Portrait Session begins at $1949.
Fill out my Contact Form to get started!
Upon inquiry, you will receive a Collection Guide of detailed pricing & offers.
Please inquire at least one month prior to your desired Session Date.
Availability for Fall & Holiday Bookings is limited.
I can't wait to hear from you!
Investment for your custom
Portrait Session begins at $1949.
Fill out my Contact Form to get started!
Upon inquiry, you will receive a Collection Guide of detailed pricing & offers.
Please inquire at least one month prior to your desired Session Date.
Availability for Fall & Holiday Bookings is limited.
I can't wait to hear from you!