"Les photographes s'occupent de choses qui disparaissent continuellement et quand elles ont disparu, rien sur terre ne peut les faire revenir."


j o u r n a l






- Henri Cartier Bresson

j o u r n a l

Henri Cartier Bresson


"Les photographes s'occupent de choses qui disparaissent continuellement et quand elles ont disparu, rien sur terre ne peut les faire revenir."

My Breastfeeding Journey, part i

In honor of World Breastfeeding Awareness Week, I thought I’d share my personal breastfeeding journey with you. Before I had my children, I had thought, like many others, that breastfeeding was fairly simple and straightforward.  The “hard part” that everyone talks about is the obvious hurdle of extracting or expelling a 6 – 10 lb […]

August 7, 2020

Baby Nursing Tiffany Chi Photography

About Me, Motherhood

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Baby Nursing Tiffany Chi Photography

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In honor of World Breastfeeding Awareness Week, I thought I’d share my personal breastfeeding journey with you. Before I had my children, I had thought, like many others, that breastfeeding was fairly simple and straightforward.  The “hard part” that everyone talks about is the obvious hurdle of extracting or expelling a 6 – 10 lb […]

My Breastfeeding Journey, part i

About Me, Motherhood

Some of Us, All of Us

“All of us are born beautiful, all of us can do great things.” We received our copy of “Some of Us, All of Us “ the other day, and Aimee hasn’t been able to put it down. It is perfect for her reading level, so sometimes I will find her in her room trying to […]

August 4, 2020

Some of Us, All of Us

Compassion Sessions, Parenting

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Some of Us, All of Us

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“All of us are born beautiful, all of us can do great things.” We received our copy of “Some of Us, All of Us “ the other day, and Aimee hasn’t been able to put it down. It is perfect for her reading level, so sometimes I will find her in her room trying to […]

Some of Us, All of Us

Compassion Sessions, Parenting

Parents Against Trafficking

I wasn’t planning on posting about this, but the issue is too important and close to my heart to stay silent. Today is World Day Against Human Trafficking. Mothers, Fathers, Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Sisters, Brothers, Friends, I implore you to turn your eyes to this issue. Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring of […]

July 30, 2020

Children Hold Hands


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Children Hold Hands

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I wasn’t planning on posting about this, but the issue is too important and close to my heart to stay silent. Today is World Day Against Human Trafficking. Mothers, Fathers, Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Sisters, Brothers, Friends, I implore you to turn your eyes to this issue. Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring of […]

Parents Against Trafficking


La Pêche Journal Featured Artist

Friends, I am so excited to announce that I recently had my very first feature over at La Pêche Journal! La Pêche was founded by two amazing motherhood photographers, Shelbie Scippio and Nicole Bielenin, who are mothers themselves, with a dream to spread beauty and encouragement to mothers everywhere. La Pêche Journal was borne of […]

June 21, 2020

Mother and Daughter in Paris. Tiffany Chi Photography.


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Mother and Daughter in Paris. Tiffany Chi Photography.

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Friends, I am so excited to announce that I recently had my very first feature over at La Pêche Journal! La Pêche was founded by two amazing motherhood photographers, Shelbie Scippio and Nicole Bielenin, who are mothers themselves, with a dream to spread beauty and encouragement to mothers everywhere. La Pêche Journal was borne of […]

La Pêche Journal Featured Artist


Compassion Sessions

Compassion [ kuhm-pash-uhn ] noun: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. Latin “com” meaning “together” and “passion” meaning “suffering.”  To suffer together. If there is anything this world needs right now, it is compassion. Despite the daily chaos, […]

June 16, 2020

Mother kneels and touches daughter's face. Tiffany Chi Photography

Compassion Sessions

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Mother kneels and touches daughter's face. Tiffany Chi Photography

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Compassion [ kuhm-pash-uhn ] noun: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. Latin “com” meaning “together” and “passion” meaning “suffering.”  To suffer together. If there is anything this world needs right now, it is compassion. Despite the daily chaos, […]

Compassion Sessions

Compassion Sessions

Raising Little Allies

Hey mamas, I wanted to share with you this amazing free resource so generously created and shared by Lucy Song, fellow mama and incredibly talented designer over at Wander and Wonder Studio (@wanderandwonder.studio). Raising Little Allies – To – Be by Wander and Wonder Studio It is meant to be: “an incomplete guide for parents […]

June 13, 2020

Little Baby places hands on Book about diversity. Tiffany Chi Photography

Art & Creativity, Awareness, Black Lives Matter, Parenting

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Little Baby places hands on Book about diversity. Tiffany Chi Photography

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Hey mamas, I wanted to share with you this amazing free resource so generously created and shared by Lucy Song, fellow mama and incredibly talented designer over at Wander and Wonder Studio (@wanderandwonder.studio). Raising Little Allies – To – Be by Wander and Wonder Studio It is meant to be: “an incomplete guide for parents […]

Raising Little Allies

Art & Creativity, Awareness, Black Lives Matter, Parenting

Mothers for Black Lives Matter

I believe I only began to understand the idea of sacrifice when I became a mother.  From the day that our flesh was combined, and I became their first home.  My heart grew larger, and beat faster to fill their veins.  Perhaps I do not understand and may never understand firsthand the terror of racist […]

June 12, 2020

Black and White Image of Girl being Held. Tiffany Chi Photography

Awareness, Black Lives Matter, Motherhood

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Black and White Image of Girl being Held. Tiffany Chi Photography

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I believe I only began to understand the idea of sacrifice when I became a mother.  From the day that our flesh was combined, and I became their first home.  My heart grew larger, and beat faster to fill their veins.  Perhaps I do not understand and may never understand firsthand the terror of racist […]

Mothers for Black Lives Matter

Awareness, Black Lives Matter, Motherhood

A Conversation With My Daughter About Racism

Me: Baby, do you notice any differences when you look at your friends? Aimee: Hmm . . . No, I don’t think so. (At this point I’m thinking I have to put this in a context that she would understand.  So, Disney Princesses, it is.) Me: Okay, how about Elsa?  Do you notice any differences […]

June 10, 2020

A little girl is embracing her doll, who is dark skinned. Photo taken by Tiffany Chi Photography.


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A little girl is embracing her doll, who is dark skinned. Photo taken by Tiffany Chi Photography.

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Me: Baby, do you notice any differences when you look at your friends? Aimee: Hmm . . . No, I don’t think so. (At this point I’m thinking I have to put this in a context that she would understand.  So, Disney Princesses, it is.) Me: Okay, how about Elsa?  Do you notice any differences […]

A Conversation With My Daughter About Racism


Amplify Melanated Voices: Black Lives Matter

The world as we know it, is on fire. And at its epicenter, are black bodies. Black mothers, black children, black fathers, black families, black futures, black lives. For far too long, black lives and lives of people of color have been sacrificed, buried in forgotten graves of oppression, violence, and trauma shoveled over them […]

June 1, 2020

Awareness, Black Lives Matter

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The world as we know it, is on fire. And at its epicenter, are black bodies. Black mothers, black children, black fathers, black families, black futures, black lives. For far too long, black lives and lives of people of color have been sacrificed, buried in forgotten graves of oppression, violence, and trauma shoveled over them […]

Amplify Melanated Voices: Black Lives Matter

Awareness, Black Lives Matter

On Photographing Motherhood

I decided to launch Tiffany Chi Photography with the passion of capturing the ephemeral moments of childhood, and the eternal love of motherhood. Capturing motherhood fulfills me as an artist because becoming a mother was the transformative part of my own story. The relationship between a mother and her child is one of the most […]

May 23, 2020

Tiffany Chi Photography


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Tiffany Chi Photography

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I decided to launch Tiffany Chi Photography with the passion of capturing the ephemeral moments of childhood, and the eternal love of motherhood. Capturing motherhood fulfills me as an artist because becoming a mother was the transformative part of my own story. The relationship between a mother and her child is one of the most […]

On Photographing Motherhood


Investments for your custom Portrait Session begins at $1949.
Fill out my Contact Form to get started!

 Upon inquiry, you will receive a Collection Guide of detailed pricing & offers. 

Please inquire at least one month prior to your desired Session Date.
Availability for Fall & Holiday Bookings is limited.

 I can't wait to hear from you!



Investment for your custom
Portrait Session begins at $1949.
Fill out my Contact Form to get started!

 Upon inquiry, you will receive a Collection Guide of detailed pricing & offers. 

Please inquire at least one month prior to your desired Session Date.
Availability for Fall & Holiday Bookings is limited.

 I can't wait to hear from you!

Thank you for your interest!
  Please allow at least 48 hours or 2 business days for your response.

If you have not heard from me, please check your spam folders or reach out directly to tiffany@tiffanychiphotography.com

For immediate answers to general questions, please browse my Frequently Asked Questions!

In the meantime, let's be friends! 

Thank you so much
for your interest!
Please allow at least 48 hours or 2 business days for your response.

If you have not heard from me, please check your spam folders or reach out directly to tiffany@tiffanychiphotography.com

For immediate answers to general questions, please browse my Frequently Asked Questions!

In the meantime, let's be friends!