"Les photographes s'occupent de choses qui disparaissent continuellement et quand elles ont disparu, rien sur terre ne peut les faire revenir."
"Les photographes s'occupent de choses qui disparaissent continuellement et quand elles ont disparu, rien sur terre ne peut les faire revenir."
No matter what exciting, outlandish, extraordinary plans I dreamed up and pursued in my life, it never seemed to live up to the insatiable hole in my heart for my life to mean something: to serve a purpose. I was never satisfied with myself, never good enough. I was lonely, depressed, and felt forsaken. I […]
No matter what exciting, outlandish, extraordinary plans I dreamed up and pursued in my life, it never seemed to live up to the insatiable hole in my heart for my life to mean something: to serve a purpose. I was never satisfied with myself, never good enough. I was lonely, depressed, and felt forsaken. I […]
This is our story. Before I met Alex, my husband, and before I became a mother to my children, Aimee & Ellias, I had already done more than most could say they’ve done at 26 years old. I had gotten my BA degree at UCLA majoring in Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting and […]
This is our story. Before I met Alex, my husband, and before I became a mother to my children, Aimee & Ellias, I had already done more than most could say they’ve done at 26 years old. I had gotten my BA degree at UCLA majoring in Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting and […]
To all the brave and courageous mamas currently expecting a baby, have delivered, or are going through postpartum during COVID19: I have been thinking of you. I cannot imagine what this must be like for you. Pregnancy during normal conditions is hard enough. The list of things you cannot touch, cannot ingest, cannot go near, […]
To all the brave and courageous mamas currently expecting a baby, have delivered, or are going through postpartum during COVID19: I have been thinking of you. I cannot imagine what this must be like for you. Pregnancy during normal conditions is hard enough. The list of things you cannot touch, cannot ingest, cannot go near, […]
The hardest part of creating, is starting. . . The first proverbial stroke on a brand new canvas. I am the world’s best procrastinator. Not because I’m horrible at managing my time, but that’s part of it. It’s just that nothing ever comes close to the perfection I’ve dreamed up in my mind, because […]
The hardest part of creating, is starting. . . The first proverbial stroke on a brand new canvas. I am the world’s best procrastinator. Not because I’m horrible at managing my time, but that’s part of it. It’s just that nothing ever comes close to the perfection I’ve dreamed up in my mind, because […]
about tiffany chi photography
An introductory video
published work
My work has been featured in prominent publications such as La Peche Journal, The Fount Collective, Shoutout Los Angeles, Voyage Los Angeles, and The Motherhood Anthology
Our story
From California, to Paris, to Motherhood.
This is my story.
Investments for your custom Portrait Session begins at $1949.
Fill out my Contact Form to get started!
Upon inquiry, you will receive a Collection Guide of detailed pricing & offers.
Please inquire at least one month prior to your desired Session Date.
Availability for Fall & Holiday Bookings is limited.
I can't wait to hear from you!
Investment for your custom
Portrait Session begins at $1949.
Fill out my Contact Form to get started!
Upon inquiry, you will receive a Collection Guide of detailed pricing & offers.
Please inquire at least one month prior to your desired Session Date.
Availability for Fall & Holiday Bookings is limited.
I can't wait to hear from you!